Department of
Basic Sciences

Faculty of Dental Sciences

Faculty of Dental Sciences

University of Peradeniya

Academic Programme

    The aim of this unit is to provide a comprehensiveknowledge and understanding on the following aspects of cell biology:

    1. Structure of the cell
    2. Functions of cell organelles
    3. Cell division
    4. Chemical constituents of the cell and their functions
    5. Enzymology
    6. Carbohydrate metabolism
    7. Protein metabolism
    8. Lipid metabolism
    Unit II:Molecular Genetics

    The aim of this unit is to provide a broad introduction to the following aspects of human genetics:
    * Molecular basis of genetics
    * Genetic code and protein synthesis
    * Genetic disorders and their diagnosis
    * Principles and applications of genetic engineering
    * Principles and application of molecular biology in clinical practice

    Unit I: Body Fluids including Blood and Lymph

    The aim of this unit is to provide a sufficient knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of body fluids, blood and lymph:
  • Basis of body fluid compartmentalization
  • Composition and functions of body fluids
  • Fluid balance
  • Composition of blood
  • Functions of blood
  • Haemopoesis and destruction of red blood cells
  • Haemostasis and lysis of blood clots
  • Blood groups and blood transfusion
  • Physiological and biochemical bases of common haematological tests and their interpretation in disease.
  • Composition and function of lymph

  • Unit II: Medical Literature and Statistics
    The aim of this unit is to provide an introduction to Medical Literature and Statistics:
  • Source of scientific information and their use
  • Basis concepts of medical statistics
    The aim of this module is to impart a knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of the tissues of the body:
  • Methods of study of tissues of the body
  • Structure and functions of epithelia
  • Structure and functions of connective tissues
  • Structure and functions of cartilage
  • Structure and functions of bone
  • Structure and functions of joints
  • Structure and functions of muscles and nerves
    The aim of this module is to provide a sufficient knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of human embryology:

  • Cleavage and implantation
  • Early embryogenesis and folding of embryo
  • Formation of foetal membranes and the placenta
  • Twinning
  • Congenital malformations
  • Development of the nervous system
    The aim of this module is to provide a comprehensive knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of the teeth, supporting structures and occlusion:
    • Tooth morphology of the permanent dentition
    • Tooth morphology of the deciduous dentition
    • Initial tooth development
    • Amelogenesis
    • Dentinogeneses
    • Structure of the tooth pulp
    • Root formation and cementogenesis
    • Development, structure and functions of periodontal ligament
    • Development, structure and functions of alveolar bone
    • Eruption and shedding of teeth
    • Occlusion
    The aim of this module is to provide a sufficient knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of the cardiovascular system:

    • Development of the cardiovascular system
    • Functional anatomy of the cardiovascular system
    • Pumping action of the heart in terms of cardiac muscle physiology, electrical activity cardiac cycle and regulation
    • Normal functioning of the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins with reference to maintenance of blood pressure and blood flow
    • Effect of common diseases/abnormalities of the cardiovascular system on cardiovascular function
    • Physiological basis of common tests of cardiovascular function and interpretation of their results in cardiovascular disorders
    • Examination of the cardiovascular system
    The aim of this module is to provide a sufficient knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of the respiratory system:

  • evelopment of the respiratory system
  • Functional anatomy of the respiratory system
  • Mechanics of respiration
  • Pulmonary ventilation
  • Gas exchange
  • Gas transport between lungs and tissues
  • Regulation of respiration
  • Common abnormalities of respiratory function
  • Physiological basis of common tests of pulmonary function and their interpretation in pulmonary disorders
  • Clinical examination of the respiratory system
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    The aim of this module is to provide a sufficient knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of the gastrointestinal system:

    • Development of the gastrointestinal system
    • Functional anatomy of the gastrointestinal system
    • Motility of the gastrointestinal tract with reference to mixing and transport of food
    • Secretary functions of the gastrointestinal system and their regulation
    • Digestion and absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract
    • Common disorders of gastrointestinal function
    Dissection of Thorax/Abdomen
    Dissection of Head/Neck
    The aim of this module is to provide a sufficient knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of human nutrition:

    • Macronutrient requirements and the effects of their deficiency and excess intake
    on physiological functions
    • Micronutrient requirements and the effects of their deficiency/ toxicity on physiological functions
    • Nutritional characteristics of cereals
    • Nutritional characteristics of pulses
    • Nutritional characteristics of vegetables and fruits
    • Nutritional characteristics of milk and foods of animal origin
    • Relation between overall nutrition and health
    The aim of this module is to provide a sufficient knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of endocrinology and metabolism:

    • Temperature regulation in the body
    • Functional anatomy of the endocrine system
    • Principles of hormone secretion and action
    • Secretion, regulation of secretion and functions of the anterior pituitary hormones
    • Secretion, regulation of secretion and functions of the posterior pituitary hormones
    • Secretion, regulation of secretion and functions of the thyroid hormones
    • Secretion, regulation of secretion and functions of the adrenocortical hormones
    • Secretion, regulation of secretion and functions of the pancreatic hormones
    • Common disorders of hormone secretion
    The aim of this module is to provide a comprehensive knowledge and understanding on the structure and functions of the oral cavity and perioral structures:

    Unit I: Oral Anatomy

    The aim of this unit is to provide a comprehensive knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of oral anatomy:
    • Functional anatomy of the skin
    • Pharyngeal arches, development of the face and associated malformations
    • Development of the oral cavity and structures arising from the oral cavity and their abnormalities
    • Functional anatomy of the oral mucosa
    • Functional anatomy of the gingiva
    • Functional anatomy of the lips
    • Functional the anatomy of the cheeks
    • Functional anatomy of the tongue
    • Functional anatomy of the floor of the mouth
    • Functional anatomy of the palate
    • Functional anatomy of the pharynx

    Unit II: Saliva

    The aim of this unit is to provide a comprehensive knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of saliva:

    • Functional anatomy of the salivary glands
    • Secretion of saliva
    • Regulation of salivary secretion
    • Composition of saliva
    • Functions of saliva

    Unit III: Mastication

    The aim of this unit is to provide a comprehensive knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of mastication:

    • Functional anatomy of the muscles of mastication
    • Functional anatomy of the temporomandibular joint
    • Masticatory process

    Unit IV: Suckling, Swallowing and Speech

    The aim of this unit is to provide a comprehensive knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of suckling, swallowing and speech:
    • Suckling
    • Swallowing
    • Speech production
    The aim of this module is to provide a comprehensive knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of the urinary system:

    • Functional anatomy of the urinary system
    • Physiological basis of formation of urine
    • Role of the kidney in the regulation of extra cellular fluid volume, osmolality and composition
    • Regulation of acid-base balance
    • Mechanism of micturition
    • Composition and characteristics of urine
    • Common disorders of renal function and their effects on body function
    • Effects of diuretics on tubular function
    • Common tests of renal function
    The aim of this module is to provide a basic knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of the human reproduction:

    • Functional anatomy of the male reproductive system
    • Functional anatomy of the female reproductive system
    • Male sex hormones and regulation of their secretion
    • Female sex hormones and regulation of their secretion
    • Gametogenesis
    • Female sexual cycle
    • Fertilization and implantation
    • Physiological changes during pregnancy
    • Parturition
    • Lactation
    The aim of this module is to provide a sufficient knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of the nervous system:

    • Development of the nervous system
    • Functional organisation of the nervous system
    • Spinal cord and peripheral nerves
    • Ascending and descending pathways
    • Brain stem
    • Cerebral hemispheres
    • Cerebellum
    • Coverings of the brain, ventricles, and CSF
    • Blood supply to the CNS
    • Physiology of pain
    • Cranial nerves and their pathways
    • Autonomic nervous system
    The aim of this module is to provide a basic knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of vision, hearing, taste and smell:

    Unit I: Vision

    The aim of this unit is to provide a basic knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of vision;

    • Development of the eye
    • Functional anatomy of the eye lid
    • Orbit and its contents
    • Functional anatomy of the eye
    • Principles of optics
    • Receptor and neural function of retina
    • Central neurophysiology of vision
    • Common tests of visual function

    Unit II: Hearing and Equilibrium

    The aim of this unit is to provide a basic knowledge and understanding on the Mowing aspects of hearing and equilibrium:

    • Functional anatomy of the ear
    • Conduction of sound waves to the organ of Corti
    • Receptor function of the organ of Corti
    • Central neurophysiology of hearing
    • Tests of hearing
    • Vestibular functions

    Unit III: Taste and Smell

    The aim of this unit is to provide a sufficient knowledge and understanding of taste and smell

    • Taste sensation
    • Olfactory sensation
    The aim of this module is to provide a sufficient knowledge and understanding on the following aspects of basic immunology:

    • Functional anatomy of the immune system
    • Innate immunity
    • Specific acquired immunity