International Visits
Visit of Prof Karthikeyan Ramalingam and Prof Monal Yuwanati, Saveetha Dental College
Professor Karthikeyan Ramalingam and Professor Monal Yuwanati from the Department of Oral Pathology and
Microbiology, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, India visited the Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of
Peradeniya and the Dental Teaching Hospital Peradeniya on 14.03.2024 and delivered a guest lecture on Quality
of life outcomes among patients with oral cancer. They had also discussed future activities under the existing
MoU between Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya and Saveetha Dental College, Chennai,

Visit of Dr. Ajay Chhabra, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Dr. Ajay Chhabra, Professor & Head of the Department of Dentistry & Associate Dean Research in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, West Bengal, India visited the Faculty of Dental Sciences.